Tag: Aesculus


Opening in a blaze of glory in late April the foliage of Aesculus turbinata was as red as hot embers in the centre of a November night bonfire….

Review of the year 2012

A very mild end to 2011, we recorded 12.5oC on the 31st December. On the 3rd January 2012 Edinburgh recorded wind speeds of over 100mph. The highest wind…

The late Chestnut

Not having the stature of the ‘Conker Tree’, Aesculus hippocastanum, but with its multibranched habit and late flowering spikes Aesculus parviflora is of merit. Introduced in 1785 from…

Review of the year

The year opened with snow on the ground and saw a continuation of the longest unbroken freezing spell for several decades. The snow just continued to fall, blowing…

Fiery red autumn colour

Mid October traditionally sees the start of the autumn colour. Until now a few trees have turned, notably Aesculus and Betula providing the traditional sound of walking and…

Highlights: 21.12.07

Mistletoe, (Viscum album), has a place in British social history. The custom of kissing beneath the Mistletoe dates from a long forgotten fertility rite, possibly linked to the…

Highlights: 30.4.07

Ornithogalum pyrenaicum “Bath Asparagus” a member of Liliaceae that has colonised the shaded ground beneath the Limes to the north of Inverleith House Aesculus hippocastanum “Horse Chestnut”. A…