Tag: Rubus

White stemmed Rubus

These images are of one of the white stemmed brambles that since leaf fall are now more obvious in the border. The white indumentum over ruddy brown stems…

Two interlopers

A consequence of a wet spell and the holiday season has resulted in the lawns not being cut as frequently as usual. Two plants have taken advantage of…

Season’s highlight, Rubus sp. ghostly white stems, dig out and divide for more plants.

A vigorous mass planting of white stemmed Rubus sp. had spread to the detriment of neighbouring, weaker growing plants. The ideal time to dig out the extensive mass…

Olympic double

The Olympic torch passes through Edinburgh this week. Our own Olympic double has been showing promise thriving in the south border for many a year. Forming a thicket…

White stemmed Rubus

These images are of one of the white stemmed brambles that are now more obvious in the border with no snow on the ground to dilute their colour…

Highlights: 1.3.07

Crocus cultivars at the East Ggate and on the slope down from the Terrace Café Camellia species from an AGS trip, R24 Prunus hirtipes, south-west quarter of the…