Well here we go harping back to the winter after the warmest weekend of the year.
Winter has left its mark on the Chilean native, Acrisione cymosa. Notice the frost crack on the bark and shoot tip die back through the crown. Then comes the more mellow conditions of spring, growth shoots away and large inflorescence of yellow composite flowers cover the plant.
This year’s display is much reduced from the mass of corymbs that covered the plant in May 2009. When you consider the parent plant was growing on the margins of the Valdivian rain forest at 558 metres; to put on good quality extension growth with leaves that have a silvery tinge to the underside is exceptional. To produce good sized heads of flower shows it is also benefitting from the microclimate it now finds itself in, tucked in front of a south facing wall.
In the Gateway Gallery on the first floor of the John Hope Gateway are images of Plants from the Woods and Forests of Chile. This runs until 18th July, it is part of a project to illustrate 70 Chilean plant species that represent the biodiversity of the woodlands and forests of Chile. The Acrisione cymosa has been drawn by Isik Güner, one of three Turkish artists involved with the project.