Acacia dealbata is an evergreen tree with noticeably angular shoots and bears true bipinnate filigree effect, blue-green leaves. The highly fragrant pom pom flowers are arranged in large terminal racemes (hanging clusters), which are borne in spring, but give a magical show in the depth of winter here in the temperate walkway of the glasshouse. These are typical of the genus, being spherical tufts of conspicuous yellow stamen approx. 6mm across.
Place of origin
This acacia is native to parts of Australia, including New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. It was first introduced to cultivation in Britain from Tasmania in 1820.
Did you know?
The wood of this tree is used for pulpwood in Tasmania, and has good gluing properties, which makes it amenable for wood composite products. The flowers are rich in pollen, and when cooked they are often used in fritters. Also a yellow dye can be obtained from the flowers, and a green dye from the seed pods.
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