Plot size

My plot is approx. 6.5 by 2m. The prescribed vegetable part will take up to around 1/3 of its entire area. Although in overall the plot is not very wide I will need to place some stepping stones or bricks through the middle to be able to reach its every part without damaging neighbouring plants when weeding.


The design of my plot is based on two main principles: an echoing colour scheme and contrasting shapes and textures. The non-prescribed area will feature selection of blues, purples, violets and pinks. This will be contrasted with colours on the non-prescribed area which are mainly greens with the exception of purple-leaved lettuce Lactuca sativa ‘Dazzle’ serving as an reminder of the dominant colour theme. The arrangement of flowering plants is to echo various shades of the dominant cool colours as well as contrast different flower shapes, sizes and inflorescences, e.g. the tall, spiky and light pink inflorescences of Lupinus elegans ‘Pink fairy’ will be contrasted with a mass of tiny, rosy-pink compact flowers of Lobularia maritima ‘Rosie O’Day’.

The flowering plants are also going to be arranged according to their growing height to ensure that taller plants are not dominating over the smaller ones as well as to give the visitors an opportunity to admire various foliage shapes and colours. Therefore, the vegetables on the prescribed areas will be follow by smaller plants – ground cover alyssum. Then, the height pattern will increase gradually up to its pick – 1.8m with two sweet peas varieties – to go down again towards the end of the plot where a selection of violas will be grown.

Plants selected

When selecting plants for my plot I tried to choose early and vigorous varieties and well as plants which like or can tolerate shade.

Allium cepa ‘Sturon’
Beta vulgaris ‘Bolthardy’
Latuca sativa ‘Dazzle’
Ocimum basilicum ‘Crimson King’
Pisum sativa ‘Ambassador’
Vicia faba ‘Aquadulce Claudia’
Vicia faba ‘Masterpiece Green Long Pod’

Ornamental and bedding plants:
Centaurea cyanus ‘Blue boy’
Lathyrus odoratus ‘Cupani’
Lathyrus odoratus ‘Albutt Blue’
Lobularia maritima ‘Rosie O’Day’
Lobularia maritima ‘Snow Carpet’
Lobularia maritima ‘Easter Basket’
Lupinus elegans ‘Pink Fairy’
Nicotiana tabacum ‘Evening Fragrance’ Mix
Nigella demascena ‘Miss Jekyll’
Viola x wittrockiana ‘Bingo Deep Purple’ F1 Hybrid
Viola x wittrockiana ‘True Blue’ F1 Hybrid
Viola x hybrida ‘Magnifico’ F1 Hybrid

Plot plan