The deciduous foliage of Tripterygium regelii is yellowing gracefully. This ungainly climber reaches 5 metres in Japan from where seed was collected. In Amori Prefecture it was growing in mixed deciduous woodland on a south west facing slope at c. 900m.

The sturdy leaves are attached to the flexible brown shoots by stalks showered in minute bristles; these continue to appear on the midrib at the reverse of the leaf. The white flower panicles have matured to display collections of three winged nuts. The papery shell that forms this three winged form turns a graceful red as the autumn progresses.

Visit the Garden, enjoy the fallen leaf mosaics and admire the colours. The clocks change at the end of the month so take advantage of the day length during the next two weeks.

Tripterygium regelii. Photo by Tony Garn

Tripterygium regelii

Tripterygium regelii. Photo by Tony Garn

Tripterygium regelii