Decaisnea insignis is a  multi stemmed deciduous shrub native to Western China. Huge pinnate leaved foliage, comprising a variable number of leaflets (13 – 25) develops, forming a dense canopy of foliage. The plant is easily rejuvenated by cutting out stems at ground level. Fresh sucker type growth rises up almost immediately soon replacing the status of the plant.

In the wild it colonises streamsides in degraded primary evergreen forest of western China at an altitude of 2200 – 2500m. A member of the family Lardizabalaceae which also contains the climbing genera Holboellia and Akebia.

Elegant individual flowers are held sprayed down a long central stalk. The sepals are a green/yellow colour elongated to a definite point. The pendulous panicle is worth admiring for its elegance.

Decaisnea fargesii. Photo by Tony Garn

Decaisnea fargesii

Decaisnea fargesii. Photo by Tony Garn

Decaisnea fargesii