Guaranteed to survive and thrive in the most inhospitable soil and shaded situation within a garden. Liriope is an evergreen clump forming genera belonging to the family Convallariaceae.

Liriope platyphylla reaches 300mm with its thin spear like leaves. The tightly packed flower spikes stretch up like coloured pencils at this time of year. Covered in tiny ball bearing buds, light purple in colour, these are occasionally followed by black seed.

Native to China, Japan and Korea it has become a well used plant where an evergreen cover is needed as it bulks into vigorous clumps with a strong root system. The mass of root fibre is often accompanied by fleshy tubers. Minute to around 25mm in size, with an increase in size they elongate in form. These help to conserve moisture through the driest months. Especially important when growing through soil that is laden with roots from woody plants acting as the aerial canopy. This aerial canopy in turn, sheltering the ground flora from direct rainfall.

Liriope platyphylla. Photo by Tony Garn

Liriope platyphylla

Liriope platyphylla roots. Photo by Tony Garn

Liriope platyphylla roots

Liriope platyphylla. Photo by Tony Garn

Liriope platyphylla