Agapanthus campanulatus ssp patens

Agapanthus campanulatus ssp patens

Agapanthus campanulatus ssp. patens: A Hilliard and Burtt collection from Temperate South Africa. The strong stems holding a mass of blue flowers. Look up and across the boundary wall of this Alpine House border, to appreciate the slender formed and slightly windswept Eucryphia x nymansensis covered in white blossom.

Berberidopsis corallina: Growing against the south facing wall in the alpine area, collected in 1996. Originally thought to be almost extinct but the ICE expedition to Chile firstly identified the habitat in which likely to grow and then using this information identified sites where plants did actually grow. Seed and cutting material were collected to establish an ex situ conservation collection of living plants of which this is a very successful example. Producing arching growth with sturdy holly like leaves, chlorotic look to the mid rib and laterals, the red petals are waxy in appearance, and attract wasps.