Category: Edinburgh BotanicsPage 47 of 50

Highlights: 23.11.07

Much needed at this cool, damp, darkening time of the year. A reminder of warm climes in the Southern Hemisphere. Cordyline australis is established in the beds south…

Highlights: 19.11.07

A plant that will revel in deep gloom conditions that would be deemed not suited to plant growth by many horticulturalists is Fatsia japonica. It will put on…

Highlights: 16.11.07

Fuchsia arborescens. A native to Central America with lush foliage. The leaves are arranged in a whorl, three at each node. Each carefully positioned around the stem from…

Highlights: 12.11.07

Growing on the Chinese hillside is a fast growing woody plant. Collected as part of the Lijiang Project Expedition in China and introduced to the garden in 2003…

Highlights: 9.11.07

Take a walk behind the glasshouses to appreciate a late flowering wild collected Hoheria from North Island New Zealand. Naturally a variable species which has resulted in several…

Highlights: 5.11.07

Not to be missed while walking around the Garden are two spectacular treats providing autumn colour: In the lower woodland is Carya cordiformis, native to E.N. America. It…

Highlights: 2.11.07

These two xerophytic members of the Bromeliaceae withstand neglect as long as they are in direct sunlight. Both native to Chile, central and southern respectively where they colonise…

Highlights: 31.10.07

A ghostly apparition for Halloween. Growing to the north of the access steps to the front range patio is Corokia cotoneaster a native to New Zealand. The mass…

Highlights: 29.10.07

The Dawn Redwood; living up to its name this morning. View Metasequoia glyptostroboides as the sun is rising and casting rays on the autumnal tints of pink and…

Highlights: 25.10.07

In full bloom the Chilean Bell Flower, Chile’s national flower, Lapageria rosea, is a stunning visual treat. Native to evergreen forests in Chile and Argentina where it climbs…

Highlights: 23.10.07

The smell from the flower spike of Eucomis bicolor is reminiscent of the old town gas; slightly putrid. Growing to the north of the arid land house. However…

Highlights: 16.10.07

Parthenocissus quinquifolia is showing full autumn colour in the generally five sectioned leaf. Growing enthusiastically over the wash house to the east of Inverleith House it clings in…

Highlights: 12.10.07

A favourite of the curator: Acer distylum, native to Japan from where it was introduced in 1879. Rare in cultivation but seen in the wild where it has…

Highlights: 10.10.07

The autumn colours on the deciduous tree canopy are now reaching their best. The yellows of the Betula and Hamamelis collections, reds of the Sorbus and Euonymus species…

Highlights: 5.10.07

Clematis ‘Bill MacKenzie’, growing on the wall at the alpine house, a hybrid in the Tangutica group received the RHS Award of garden merit in 1976 and reconfirmed…

Highlights: 2.10.07

The flora of temperate South Africa provides a colourful lead into autumn. Bulbous perennials growing in the bank at the ramp to the arid land house include Amaryllis…

Highlights: 28.9.07

Acer griseum on the front lawn, road to the east gate. Superb autumn colour combined with flaking of the brown bark from the trunk and branch framework ensures…

Highlights: 27.9.07

Tetradium daniellii, a wide headed tree that dominates the south west edge of the Pyrus lawn. Native to S.W.China, Korea. The canopy has suffered through storm damage in…

Highlights: 25.9.07

A visit to Dawyck, to see the start of the Autumn colour is recommended. The Horse Chestnuts are leading the field but the most intense colour is provided…

Luma apiculata, native to Chile and Argentina. An evergreen small tree covered in white blossom. The flowers have a multitude of anthers splayed apart. The bark on the…