Month: September 2008

Cool autumn mornings and distant Nerine

As the days shorten and the lawns are laden with dew so the South African bulbous perennial Nerine bowdenii shows its flowers. As regular as clockwork the sudden…

The white flag as summer surrenders to autumn

The group of Anenome x hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’ on the edge of the Herbaceous Border is full of white petalled flowers at the moment, taking the inevitable early…

A gold storm heralding autumn

Amongst the tallest growing herbaceous plants is Rudbeckia ‘Herbstsonne’, also known in the trade by the English translation, ‘Autumn Sun’. This old cultivar is really only suited to…

The original fly paper

Take a look at the semi-tender perennials in the borders to the south of the Glasshouses Front Range. In one corner is the grey-leaved Salvia discolor, a woody…