We have chosen a lectoype for Riccardia fuscovirens Lindb. (i.e., a type specimen that is chosen after a name has been published, but from the original specimens or illustrations that the author of the name would have been influenced by when they were first recognizing the taxon)
Sitting in Edinburgh airport on a Monday morning, waiting for David Long to join me, checked in through to Trondheim via Copenhagen, I felt completely unprepared. The previous week…
The New to Science blog is a regular post about new plant species as they are being named, described and published for the first time. The only requirements…
The geographical collecting locality of the types reflect both current and historical geographical areas of interest of RBGE research. Historical areas of focus are China (20%), India (8%)…
The oldest specimen in the herbarium at Edinburgh was collected in 1697. The oldest type specimen was collected in 1730. There have been several peaks during the time…
The type specimens held at RBGE were included in an analysis of plant collectors by Bebber et al. (2012) which showed that 50% of the type specimens were…
Since 2004, we have been digitising the type specimens* held in the herbarium at RBGE. This work has been funded by the Andrew W Mellon Foundation through the…