Hawthorn newly laid hedge

Hawthorn newly laid hedge

Hedge flail cut

Hedge flail cut

Hawthorn, Crataegus monogyna, the stock fence on farmland. Deciduous, spiny, flowering, berrying and impenetrable to livestock. These days, often cut with a tractor mounted flail mower. Craftsmen traditionally lay a hedge to strengthen the base and promote fresh growth. Equally suited as a garden boundary hedge and will respond well to an annual trim. The other way to use it is part of a mixed species hedge, combined with a selection of evergreen and deciduous species.

Ilex aquifolium, Prunus lusitanica, Viburnum opulus, Fagus sylvatica, Rosa rugosa. Source a selection of these plants. Mix them randomly and plant in a double staggered row to form the hedge. Over the years these will knit together and provide year round interest.