



The Phenology Team are busy getting the Garden ready for summer. Every year they make sure that the Great Hedge separating the demonstration garden from the herbaceous border greens up nicely for visitors to enjoy.
When Nature fails to provide the perfect conditions, the team helps out with environmentally friendly (green) green paint. The results are stunning, as can be seen on the photos above, taken last year.
However, this is a BIG job, and more volunteers are urgently needed to complete it before Palm Sunday. Please help out by coming to the Gap at 11am today, grab a brush and continue with the good work!

We are also running a competition for what colour the hedge should be inĀ  2016. One suggestion is a tartan theme to celebrate Scottish Independence Day / Scottish UK Day (delete as appropriate).

Independent/Together Hedge

Independent/Together Hedge

The competition will be kept open until 1st April – so put your thinking caps on!