After the success of the BioBlitz last year at Edinburgh there will be another one at LOGAN BOTANIC GARDEN starting at 5 p.m. on Friday 27 June and running till 5 p.m. on Saturday 28 June. There will be a bat walk and moth trapping on the Friday evening and pond dipping and other events from 11 – 4 on the Saturday. We have virtually no previous wildlife records for Logan apart from a few moths so virtually everything, even common birds and insects like blackbirds and wasps, will be new records! Come and join the experts and the fun as they help to find as many species as possible and so get knowledge of the wild birds, animals, insects, mosses, flowering plants and other organisms that live alongside the cultivated plants at Logan, Scotland’s most exotic garden. Will the wildlife be as exotic as the plants we grow there? Come and find out on the last weekend of this month. More details on the RBGE web site at . Normal Logan admission charge of £6 applies but there is no extra charge for the event.