Namaste from Kathmandu.
We’ve been in country now for 3 very busy days and are now ready to leave for the field.
As with expedition of this nature we have had to revise our plans once we got here.
We have to Fly fro Juphal several days early on the last flight as the landing strip is getting a blacktop surface. Pretty cool to be on the last flight from what is effectively a grazed field.
Also our plan to fly initially to Pokhara has fallen through and are now about to get on a 24 hours bus ride beginning at 7pm this evening.
It is likely to memorable as the three days of severe storms last week caused landslides on the road beyond Pokhara. At each one we have to unload the bus we are on and then reload on another bus at the other side. We expect between 3 and 6 times!
Apologies for the lack of images the internet is too slow to upload many from here!
Time to go.
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