Situated next to the theatre, this is quite a pleasant spot to be surveying in. I’m at the heart of the Musselbrough hustle and bustle, yet within just a couple of minutes walk I am able to take a break and have my lunch by the sea side.
Situated directly next to several busy bus stops, I am definiately a curiousity to the awaiting bus goers, as I conduct my close inspection of the nearby trees.
En-route to this site in Musselburgh I pass through Portobello and find some lichens in a most un-lichenly place… a top a rubbish bin! Not so un-lichenly really though, when one thinks of the numerous seagulls leaving bird droppings whilst perched on top of the bins surveying the local area for a fallen bit of sandwich, the remnants of a crumbly biscuit, a dropped chip or runny dripped icecream. Either that or hanging around waiting to pull their lunch out directly from the bin when no one is looking!
Part of the Edinburgh Living Landscape initiative & the TCV Natural Talent scheme