Plants from the Woods and Forests of Chile

Plants from the Woods and Forests of Chile

To tie in with the launch of ‘Plants from the Woods and Forests of Chile’, we wanted to look at some of the material from our herbarium and living collections that are linked to the stunning illustrations and the work done by the scientists behind the book.

The paintings used in the book and on display in the John Hope Gateway were all prepared from plants growing in UK gardens or native habitats in Chile. Many of the plants used are growing in one of RBGEs four gardens, from seeds or plants collected during expeditions to Chile over many years.

Below is information from our herbarium and living collection catalogues. The information from the herbarium is primarily for material that was collected in the wild, although we often have a herbarium specimen from the plant growing in cultivation at one of our four gardens. The information from the living collection covers all plants which share the same accession number (these are distinguished by a letter), and gives the location where that plant is growing in one of our gardens or an external site.

Ercilla volubilis A.Juss.

RBGE Herbarium Specimen Factsheet
Scientific Name:Ercilla volubilis A.Juss.
Collector:Instituto de Investigaciónes Ecológicas Chiloé (IIECH) and Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh; Hernández, C.
Origin:Temperate South America:Región VIII [Biobío]:Prov. de Arauco:Río Laraquate
 Location: -37.171944,-73.180833
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Griselinia jodinifolia (Griseb.) Taub.

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The exhibition is on in the John Hope Gateway and runs Sat 10 Oct 2015 — Sun 6 Mar 2016. More information about the exhibition is available on our website: