Tag: herbariumPage 1 of 7

Towards 3 million: Violaceae

The following blog was written by Linde Hess a digitiser in the Herbarium. Since 2021 we have increased our digitisation capacity with the goal of getting to 1…

Towards 3 million: Oleaceae

The following blog was written by Rebecca Camfield a digitiser in the Herbarium. Since 2021 we have increased our digitisation capacity with the goal of getting to 1…

Towards 3 Million: Hypericaceae

The following blog was written by Linde Hess a digitiser in the Herbarium. Since 2021 we have increased our digitisation capacity with the goal of getting to 1…

The Indian botanical work of Michael Pakenham Edgeworth (1812–1881)

H.J. Noltie Introduction Michael Pakenham Edgeworth came from a cultured and distinguished Irish family. The the last of 22 children of the polyphiloprogenitive Richard Lovell Edgeworth (1744–1817) by…

Towards 3 million: Orobanchaceae

The following blog was written by Rebecca Camfield a digitiser in the Herbarium. Since 2021 we have increased our digitisation capacity with the goal of getting to 1…

Towards 3 million: Acanthaceae

The following blog was written by Rebecca Camfield a digitiser in the Herbarium. Since 2021 we have increased our digitisation capacity with the goal of getting to 1…

Towards 3 million: Linaceae

The following blog was written by Linde Hess a digitiser in the Herbarium. Since 2021 we have increased our digitisation capacity with the goal of getting to 1…

Towards 3 million: Schlegeliaceae, Martyniaceae, Byblidaceae & Stemonuraceae

The following blog was written by Rebecca Camfield a digitiser in the Herbarium. Since 2021 we have increased our digitisation capacity with the goal of getting to 1…

Mercedes Chanek – a hidden Indigenous plant collector from Belize

Surprising is the only word. The list of important female plant collectors from Belize is pretty short. So, when someone emailed out of the blue, about an Indigenous…

Towards 3 million: Iridaceae

The following blog was written by Iain Ratter a digitiser in the Herbarium. Since 2021 we have increased our digitisation capacity with the goal of getting to 1…

Towards 3 million: Ochnaceae, Medusagynaceae and Quiinaceae

The following blog was written by Linde Hess a digitiser in the Herbarium. Since 2021 we have increased our digitisation capacity with the goal of getting to 1…

Towards 3 million: Proteaceae

The following blog was written by Iain Ratter a digitiser in the Herbarium. Since 2021 we have increased our digitisation capacity with the goal of getting to 1…

A new species of shrub discovered in the dry Andean valleys of Peru and Ecuador

In the deep, isolated valleys of the Andes there are still many plants that have never been described by science. These valleys are hot and dry, despite the…

Towards 3 million: Fabulous fungi found in peculiar places

The following blog was written by Chris Knowles a digitiser in the Herbarium. Since 2021 we have increased our digitisation capacity with the goal of getting to 1…

Towards 3 million: Lentibulariaceae

The following blog was written by Rebecca Camfield a digitiser in the Herbarium. Since 2021 we have increased our digitisation capacity with the goal of getting to 1…

Towards 3 million: Calceolariaceae, Stilbaceae and Paulowniaceae

The following blog was written by Rebecca Camfield a digitiser in the Herbarium. Since 2021 we have increased our digitisation capacity with the goal of getting to 1…

Towards 3 million specimens: Malpighiaceae

The following blog was written by Linde Hess a digitiser in the Herbarium. Since 2021 we have increased our digitisation capacity with the goal of getting to 1…

Towards 3 million: British Bluebells – Hyacinthoides non-scripta & Campanula rotundifolia

The following blog was written by Courtney Kemnitz a digitiser in the Herbarium. Since 2021 we have increased our digitisation capacity with the goal of getting to 1…

A Deeper Look at Tree Mosses; Part III

The following blog posts on moss evolution are written by Diego Sánchez-Ganfornina (early career researcher).Migrations, extinctions, rainforests and climate change: the pressures and situations that led tree mosses…

Towards 3 million specimens: Hydroleaceae, Plocospermataceae, Tetrachondraceae & Carlemanniaceae

The following blog was written by Rebecca Camfield a digitiser in the Herbarium. Since 2021 we have increased our digitisation capacity with the goal of getting to 1…