Galtonia candicans

Galtonia candicans

Fleshy flower spikes sent from zero to 1.7meters in the space (it seems) of days. Galtonia candicans sheltered in the glasshouse borders has reached flowering stage. The upturned white blooms hang on long stalks at positions around the central stem like the grandest stately home’s candelabra.

Native to Temperate South Africa where it is found on streamsides, enjoying moist shady conditions. The linear strap like foliage is untidy and detracts from the beauty of the flowers. A bulbous member of the family Hyacinthaceae; often referred to as the “Summer Hyacinth”.

Galtonia candicans

Galtonia candicans

The genus was named after Sir Francis Galton (1822 – 1911) who was a distant cousin of Charles Darwin and also of considerable intellect. He classified fingerprints into categories, identifying patterns and individuality for identification purposes.