Author: Robyn DrinkwaterPage 10 of 33

Autumn bounty

Actaea pachypoda – Fleshy and fruity Macleaya cordata – Dry and noisy Two herbaceous plants from opposing continents both doing what they should; setting a store of seed…

Room to roam

Swelling nicely for the Halloween harvest is a patch of Pumpkins. These trailing members of the Cucurbitaceae family have appreciated the warmth of this summer. Cucurbita maxima ‘Yellow…

Chalice flower

Blooms resembling a chalice are opening on the vigorous growth of Solandra grandiflora covering the railing of the elevated walkway in the temperate house. Planted in the border…

The Fig harvest

Relegated to the back of our memories during the past dismal summers and severe winters, a Fig tree has cropped well this year. A handsome specimen, Ficus carica,…

A late Lilium

Lilium leichtlinii var. maximowiczii; tall growing and bright of flower. A welcome splash of colour in the woodland area at the start of autumn. At a height touching…

Malus yunnanensis

A good year for apples, cultivated and botanical. Malus yunnanensis is no exception. A native to south western Provinces of China. The seed was collected in Yunnan Province…

Colour combo in the potager

Plants raised from seed in March, grown on under cover until the cold spring ended and planted out during May to form this year’s successful potager. In the…

Sunshine on a stalk

This is the time to appreciate the phenomenal growth of Sunflowers, Helianthus annuus and the large yellow head of flowers. Some, to celebrate their size, go by the…

Visitors – welcome and unwelcome

In the herbaceous border a fine patch of Coreopsis verticillata ‘Grandiflora’ is attracting pollinating insects as well as the attention of visitors due to the clear bright yellow…

The eyes have it

The graceful small tree in the corner of the Queen Mothers Memorial Garden attracting much attention is a native to New Zealand, Plagianthus regius. Appreciate it now as…

Scented white Phlox

Healthy herbaceous Phlox maculata are a great addition to the border at this time of year. Clear fresh green foliage topped by large panicles of pure white flowers…

A floral green manure

Phacelia tanacetifolia in full bloom on a patch of redundant ground is as rewarding a sight as you will see anywhere. Loved by pollinators due to the nectar…

Flavoursome addition to summer drinks

Hot days, shady spot in the garden, jug of refreshment on the table. The flowers of Borage, Borago officinalis are deemed an essential addition to long fruity beverages….

Advantage anticyclone

Mediterranean and warm temperate species are taking advantage of this prolonged spell of hot dry weather to flower. We are observing an exceptional amount of flower on the…

Washing the garden

Sun wilt causes consternation when, on a warm day, leafy herbaceous stems flop. During the evening as the temperature drops the turgidity of the stems returns. The attached…

The first square flower!

Tomato breeders eat your heart out; a naturally occurring square flower. Philadelphus schrenkii a native to Eastern and Northern Asia is flowering profusely in the Biodiversity Garden. Vigorous…

July 2013: Victoria amazonica

Giant Water Lily Victoria amazonica Family: Nymphaeaceae Description: The upper surface has a rather quilted appearance. The purplish-red under surface has a network of ribs, clad in abundant…

Just one cloud during Elspeth’s holiday

On the hot hillsides of Crete Elspeth saw the potential of Silene italica. A feature of the Mediterranean macchi or its poorer relative the garigue scrub vegetation it…

Hedge cutting with an eye for a nest

Now is the time to be cutting hedges for the first time this season. Where a formal appearance is required then trim using sharp hand shears. The fastigiated…

Bristly leaves, pearly racemes

Gaultheria hookeri, a mass of prostrate evergreen twiggy growth that covers mountainsides and as undergrowth to Rhododendron species in the Himalayas and Western China. It is now flowering…