Tag: Weekly HighlightsPage 29 of 32

Highlights: 6.12.07

Look at the seed of Euptelia polyandra, the distinctive hook in the samara gives it the appearance of a bottle opener. A native to Japan, growing in the…

Highlights: 4.12.07

A woody member of the family Violaceae, Melicytus angustifolius has beautifully coloured berries. Partially white and partially grey, they have the appearance of the Chinese Yin and Yang…

Highlights: 30.11.07

  This week, succumb to the warmth of the Lowland Tropics and seek out the stunning Hoya imperialis. Native to Malaysia and Indonesia, this tropical gem produces the…

Highlights: 26.11.07

From Ecuador to Argentina, Colletia spinosissima will defeat any grazing predator with the angled vicious green spines. These plants are often found as single specimens in grazed land,…

Highlights: 23.11.07

Much needed at this cool, damp, darkening time of the year. A reminder of warm climes in the Southern Hemisphere. Cordyline australis is established in the beds south…

Highlights: 19.11.07

A plant that will revel in deep gloom conditions that would be deemed not suited to plant growth by many horticulturalists is Fatsia japonica. It will put on…

Highlights: 16.11.07

Fuchsia arborescens. A native to Central America with lush foliage. The leaves are arranged in a whorl, three at each node. Each carefully positioned around the stem from…

Highlights: 12.11.07

Growing on the Chinese hillside is a fast growing woody plant. Collected as part of the Lijiang Project Expedition in China and introduced to the garden in 2003…

Highlights: 9.11.07

Take a walk behind the glasshouses to appreciate a late flowering wild collected Hoheria from North Island New Zealand. Naturally a variable species which has resulted in several…

Highlights: 5.11.07

Not to be missed while walking around the Garden are two spectacular treats providing autumn colour: In the lower woodland is Carya cordiformis, native to E.N. America. It…

Highlights: 2.11.07

These two xerophytic members of the Bromeliaceae withstand neglect as long as they are in direct sunlight. Both native to Chile, central and southern respectively where they colonise…

Highlights: 31.10.07

A ghostly apparition for Halloween. Growing to the north of the access steps to the front range patio is Corokia cotoneaster a native to New Zealand. The mass…

Highlights: 29.10.07

The Dawn Redwood; living up to its name this morning. View Metasequoia glyptostroboides as the sun is rising and casting rays on the autumnal tints of pink and…

Highlights: 25.10.07

In full bloom the Chilean Bell Flower, Chile’s national flower, Lapageria rosea, is a stunning visual treat. Native to evergreen forests in Chile and Argentina where it climbs…

Highlights: 23.10.07

The smell from the flower spike of Eucomis bicolor is reminiscent of the old town gas; slightly putrid. Growing to the north of the arid land house. However…

Highlights: 16.10.07

Parthenocissus quinquifolia is showing full autumn colour in the generally five sectioned leaf. Growing enthusiastically over the wash house to the east of Inverleith House it clings in…

Highlights: 12.10.07

A favourite of the curator: Acer distylum, native to Japan from where it was introduced in 1879. Rare in cultivation but seen in the wild where it has…

Highlights: 10.10.07

The autumn colours on the deciduous tree canopy are now reaching their best. The yellows of the Betula and Hamamelis collections, reds of the Sorbus and Euonymus species…

Highlights: 5.10.07

Clematis ‘Bill MacKenzie’, growing on the wall at the alpine house, a hybrid in the Tangutica group received the RHS Award of garden merit in 1976 and reconfirmed…

Highlights: 2.10.07

The flora of temperate South Africa provides a colourful lead into autumn. Bulbous perennials growing in the bank at the ramp to the arid land house include Amaryllis…