Tag: Weekly HighlightsPage 30 of 32

Highlights: 28.9.07

Acer griseum on the front lawn, road to the east gate. Superb autumn colour combined with flaking of the brown bark from the trunk and branch framework ensures…

Highlights: 27.9.07

Tetradium daniellii, a wide headed tree that dominates the south west edge of the Pyrus lawn. Native to S.W.China, Korea. The canopy has suffered through storm damage in…

Highlights: 25.9.07

A visit to Dawyck, to see the start of the Autumn colour is recommended. The Horse Chestnuts are leading the field but the most intense colour is provided…

Luma apiculata, native to Chile and Argentina. An evergreen small tree covered in white blossom. The flowers have a multitude of anthers splayed apart. The bark on the…

Highlights: 14.9.07

There are a wide range of Colchicum species and cultivars in flower. Commonly known as Autumn Crocus or Naked Ladies. The leaves follow after the flowers have faded….

Highlights: 11.9.07

Cyclamen hederifolium; one of the few plants with a label showing the common name, “Sowbread”. So called as the corms were once fed to pigs in southern Europe….

Highlights: 7.9.07

Both of the following wild collected species are growing on the south facing bank at the ramp to the exhibition hall. Growing and flowering best in soil with…

Highlights: 2.9.07

Kniphofia ensifolia ssp. ensifolia: Temperate South Africa. Spikes of hot orange tubular flowers loved by wasps. Large clump growing south of the herbarium. Watsonia pillansii: Eastern S.Africa. As…

Highlights: 31.8.07

Native to the Southern Hemisphere the Eucryphia are a mass of white this year. In the border south of the herbarium E. glutinosa shows a delicate wave to…


Species Dahlias and cultivars growing to the south of the front range, T borders: Dahlia coccinea a Gardner and Knees collection from Mexico in 1993. Bright orange flowers…

Highlights: 21.8.07

Rhododendron auriculatum: A native to Central China, growing in F15, a focal position at the top of the stove brae. Large trusses of pure white flowers with a…

Highlights: 17.8.07

Agapanthus campanulatus ssp. patens: A Hilliard and Burtt collection from Temperate South Africa. The strong stems holding a mass of blue flowers. Look up and across the boundary…

Highlights: 13.8.07

Prunus armeniaca ‘Early Moorpark’ is bearing ripe Apricots in Edinburgh. A combination of climatic effects probably allowed these fruits to fully develop; the warm autumn of 2006 to…

Highlights: 8.8.07

Hydrangea paniculata ‘Tardiva’ beauty indeed! Medium sized shrub with a stunning display of white flowers arranged in panicles. The blooms look fresh on the shrub for a long…

Highlights: 25.7.07

Roscoea purpurea: Found in the east side of the upper woodland peat bed. A Hardy flowering ginger with bright purple flowers. Widely distributed along the eastern Himalayan range…

Highlights: 20.7.07

Rhododendron maddenii ssp. crassum Growing and flowering profusely in the east gate lodge garden, a sheltered microclimate. Collected by Keith Rushforth in 1995, Found in the Himalayas to…

Highlights: 17.7.07

The collection of Astilbe cultivars in the garden has never looked better. The continual rain this season has ensured the usual crisping of the foliage has not occurred….

Highlights: 14.7.07

The top pathway of the Chinese plant collection is buzzing with bees amongst the Hypericum species growing here. All wild collected in China on a selection of expeditions:…

Highlights: 11.7.07

Chordospartium stevensonii a woody Legume from South Island, N.Z. The pink bands of tiny flowers have a delicate scent. Growing by the South facing wall next to the…

Highlights: 9.7.07

The first seed heads of note this season are on Dryas drummondii ‘Grandiflora’ growing on the alpine wall Iris ensata, south of the pond. E & C Asia,…