Tag: Weekly HighlightsPage 31 of 32

Highlights: 6.7.07

One of the flower spikes in the group of Primula vialii in the demonstration garden on the edge of the QMM garden has developed a fasciation. The spike…

Highlights: 3.7.07

Tropaeolum speciosum “Chilean Flame Flower”, a scrambling climber covered in red flowers, growing through the woody planting west of the Fern & Fossils Glasshouse exit. Also found colonising…

Highlights: 29.6.07

Callistemon citrinus ‘Splendens’: Wonderfully showy bottle brush growing in the border to the south of the front range. Multiple red filaments encircle the base of the current season’s…

Highlights: 27.6.07

Echinacea tennesseensis to the N.E. of the yurt. Hairy stems hold a spidery flower head of washed out pink petals, to 1m. N.America Mahonia eutriphylla, Mexico. Terminal clusters…

Highlights: 25.6.07

Iris setosa: Planted in the border to the west of the pond. Perfect buds open deep velvet purple, fades to a lighter shade with a narrow band of…

Highlights: 22.6.07

Asteranthera ovata: This member of Gesneriaceae is one of the few hardy species. It grows most sucessfully when in constant humid moisture. Seen in the rock garden, clinging…

Highlights: 14.6.07

Worth looking for is Weigela coraeensis var. fragrans. Collected by Kurashige in Korea, 1994. Growing in the west border to the north of the Arbutus menziesii beneath the…

Highlights: 11.6.07

Primula bulleyana: a bright spectrum of colours yellow – orange – red, on the bottom edge of the Chinese hillside. Behind these is P. poissonii, the long elegant…

Highlights: 20.6.07

Geranium pilostemum: collected by Balls in 1933, E. Turkey, N.Iran, Caucasus. Forms a robust clump to 1.5, mauve flowers Picea purpurea: pendulous purple cones. Himalayas and W.China Abies…

Highlights: 7.6.07

Berchamia polyphylla var. leioclada: Growing against the west facing wall that runs down the back lane by the research corridor. Leaves very attractive, mid green, prominent veining on…

Highlights: 4.6.07

A selection of Rhododendron from the sub section Ponticum: Rhododendron catawbiense: a mass of plants growing in the copse covered in purple flowers. Inside on the top petal…

Highlights: 28.5.07

Helianthemum croceum: carpet of primrose yellow, W. Med. & Portugal Aciphylla glaucescens: New Zealand. Two metre spike of honey coloured insignificant flowers Thymus zerausharicus: Central Asia. Massed carpet…

Highlights: 24.5.07

Aquilegia formosa: W.N.America. Reflexed red petals form 5 perfect circles with yellow throat, extended flower parts Paeonia mascula ssp. russi: Big pink blousy blooms Ceanothus dentatus: mass of…

Highlights: 21.5.07

Magnolia sieboldii: Wild collected by Holmberg and Strindberg, Japan, Korea. Spicy scent from the flowers Magnolia sieboldii ssp. sinensis: Larger plant, native to China, S.W. Sichuan. Flowers hang down,…

Highlights: 18.5.07

The alpine wall and scree in the rock garden are full of colour: Hypericum cerastioides, carpet of yellow with spicy scent exuding from the plant View from the…

Highlights: 16.5.07

Paeonia suffruticosa: Another 2 metre tree paeonia. Pink / purple flowers the unfurling petals hold a delicate scent Papaver orientale ‘Olympia’: This mass of growth in the herbaceous…

Highlights: 14.5.07

Morea spathulata, a Hilliard and Burtt collection from Temperate South Africa in 1976. Bright yellow blooms on strong stems, to 1metre Ceanothus sorediatus, USA, California, corner of lecture…

Highlights: 9.5.07

Rhododendron ‘Loderi’ and Rhododendron ‘Loderi King George’: A 1926 introduced hybrid between R. fortunei x griffithianum. These are both from the Leonardslee crosses of the early 1900’s by…

Highlights: 4.5.07

Herbaceous Paeonies: Paeonia mascula: Carmine red petals full of yellow anthers. Mediterranean to S.E.Asia Paeonia mascula ssp. triternata: S.W. to S.E. Asia, pink petals to this sub species Paeonia…

Highlights: 3.5.07

Davidia involucrata: In full flower now, opposite the peat walls and by Logan’s border. Noted for its large white bracts, hanging down from the flower parts Davidia involucrata…