Rhododendron catawbiense

Rhododendron catawbiense

A selection of Rhododendron from the sub section Ponticum:

  • Rhododendron catawbiense: a mass of plants growing in the copse covered in purple flowers. Inside on the top petal is a splay of orange dots resembling a peacocks fan. S.E. USA

Looking up from the Palm House towards the Herbaceous Border, there is a smattering of colour on the edge of the copse:

  • Rhododendron ponticum (Iberian form): from S.Europe, purple flowers
  • Rhododendron x sochadzeae: a hybrid between R. caucasicum x ponticum. Native to E.Turkey, N.Iran, Caucasus
  • Rhododendron ponticum: purple flowers, S.W. Asia and S.W. & Southern Europe