Synthesis_02Last year (2012) a RBGE HND/BSc2 Horticulture Student called Nicolas Porter undertook a project on Armillaria (Honey Fungus) at Inverleith.

He identified a number of factors that may influence an Armillaria outbreak and mapped these to see if there were any conclusions to be made about future planting of high risk species at RBGE and future monitoring of Armillaria.

He combined the following factors into one graphic;

  • Soil pH,
  • Soil texture (at two depths),
  • Plants known to have died from Armillaria,
  • Plants know to be susceptible to Armillaria,
  • Areas that anecdotaly are know to be at risk.

The click the link below or the image for a PDF of the map he produced.


The full project report can be found in the RBGE library as:

Recommendations for the treatment and monitoring programme for Armillaria infection at RBGE. by Nicolas Porter HND/BSC2 in Horticulture with Plantsmanship.

I assisted in the mapping part of the project and felt that the results graphic could benefit from wider circulation hence this blog post.