As part doing a stocktake of the tropical and temperate orchids in the Living Collection I was impressed to see accession numbers that indicated we had plants well over 100 years old.
We have 44 orchid accessions that are over 100 years old growing in the Living collection at the Botanics. This is a little about them and their collection factsheets.
This is a work in progress and as the curation of the orchid collection continues the plant names will be updated, identification changed, images added and more information regarding their source will all be added.
Stanhopea saccata Bateman
This plant was part of a lot bought through Protheroe & Morris, Auctioneers, London, that arrived in the garden on the 27th March 1896.
Stelis alba Kunth
This plant 27th March 1896 was part of a lot bought through Protheroe & Morris, Auctioneers, London, that arrived in the garden on the 27th March 1896.
Maxillaria turneri G.Nicholson
Came from Dr. J Foulis on the 3rd of June 1896.
Dracula bella (Rchb.f.) Luer
This plant was part of a lot bought through Protheroe & Morris, Auctioneers, Central Auction Rooms, London that arrived in the garden on the 27th March 1896.
Masdevallia corniculata Rchb.f.
This plant was part of a lot bought through Protheroe & Morris, Auctioneers, Central Auction Rooms, London that arrived in the garden on the 27th March 1896.
Masdevallia demissa Rchb.f.
This plant was part of a lot bought through Protheroe & Morris, Auctioneers, Central Auction Rooms, London that arrived in the garden on the 27th March 1896.
Dryadella simula (Rchb.f.) Luer
This plant was part of a lot bought through Protheroe & Morris, Auctioneers, Central Auction Rooms, London that arrived in the garden on the 27th March 1896.
Cochlioda noezliana (Mast.) Rolfe
This plant was part of a lot bought through Protheroe & Morris, Auctioneers, Central Auction Rooms, London that arrived in the garden on the 27th March 1896.
Odontoglossum x coradinei Rchb.f.
This plant was part of a lot bought through Protheroe & Morris, Auctioneers, Central Auction Rooms, London that arrived in the garden on the 27th March 1896.
Bulbophyllum crassipes Hook.f.
This accession came into the collection from Lyon & Turnbull 1 April 1897
Pleurothallis obovata (Lindl.) Lindl.
This accession came into the collection from W. Bull 7th April 1898
Cochlioda noezliana (Mast.) Rolfe
Came from Dr. J Foulis on the 21st September 1899
Cymbidium tracyanum L.Castle
Came from Bull and Sons on the 14 May 1903
Pleurothallis macrophylla Kunth
Came from Hugh Low & Sons on the 9 Mar 1906
Bulbophyllum sicyobulbon Parish & Rchb.f.
Came from J. O.Brien on the 9 Nov 1906
Odontoglossum edwardii Rchb.f.
Came from Lyon & Turnbull on the 19 Sept 1908
Oncidium sphacelatum Lindl.
Came from Lyon & Turnbull on the 10th Sept 1908
Dendrobium thyrsiflorum Rchb.f.
From Miss Dawson, of Powfoulis Manor, Falkrik 16th Oct 1908
Masdevallia tovarensis Rchb.f.
From J.C. Wright. 20 April 1899
Cymbidium wilsonii (Rolfe ex Cook) Rolfe
From Mansell & Hatcher Orchid Growers
Restrepia brachypus Rchb.f.
From Sander & Sons 1 April 1910
Coelogyne lawrenceana Rolfe
From Sander & Sons 11 April 1911
Stanhopea grandiflora (Lodd.) Lindl.
From Sander & Sons 11 April 1911
Coelogyne tomentosa Lindl.
From Sander & Sons 12 January 1911
Maxillaria luteoalba Lindl.
From Sander & Sons 28th Feb 1912
Maxillaria coccinea (Jacq.) L.O.Williams ex Hodge
From Sander & Sons 28th Feb 1912
Dendrobium x delicatum (F.M.Bailey) F.M.Bailey
From Sander & Sons 28 Feb 1912
Trias picta Parish
From Sander & Sons 28 Feb 1912
Masdevallia rolfeana Kraenzl.
From Sander & Sons 28 Feb 1912
Lycaste macrophylla (Poepp. & Endl.) Lindl. var. measuresiana (B.S.Williams) Fowlie
From Sander & Sons 5th March 1913
Dendrobium chrysotoxum Lindl.
From Sander & Sons 8th April 1914
Pleurothallis tubata (G. Lodd.) Steud.
Came to us from Glasnevin, before it was a National Trust Property, on the 10th of October 1914 as Physosiphon moorei
Dimorphorchis lowii (Lindl.) Rolfe
From Sander & Sons 27th Jul 1914 as Arachnanthe lowii
Pleurothallis stenopetala Lodd. ex Lindl.
From Sander & Sons 27th Jul 1914 as Arachnanthe lowii
x Odontioda Bohnhoffiae grex
From Mr E.H. Robertson from Burnside House Forfar, November 1915
x Odontioda Bradshawiae grex
From Mr E.H. Robertson from Burnside House Forfar, November 1915
Masdevallia coccinea Linden ex Lindl.
From Mr E.H. Robertson from Burnside House Forfar, November 1915
Epigeneium coelogyne (Rchb.f.) Summerh.
From Mr E.H. Robertson from Burnside House Forfar, November 1915
x Odontioda Cooksoniae grex
From Mr E.H. Robertson from Burnside House Forfar, November 1915
x Odontoglossum Crispo-harryanum grex
From Mr E.H. Robertson from Burnside House Forfar, November 1915
x Odontoglossum Warnhamense grex
From Mr E.H. Robertson from Burnside House Forfar, November 1915
Dendrochilum cobbianum Rchb.f.
Admiral Sir A.Berkeley Milne, Inveresk Gate Musselburgh on the 23 March 1916