The Nerine bowdenii and Nerine sarniensis are lasting well. An unusual cultivar N. ‘Quest ‘(a named hybrid of sarniensis) is growing in a clay pot in the glasshouses and flowers an abdominal purple colour are held as an umbel on the tall stalks. Not a patch on the true species for brilliance of colour but worth a look due to the unusual shade and the contrasting white anthers. The generic name derives from the Greek, Nereis, a sea nymph. Again, frost tolerance is to be taken into account when planting these long necked bulbs. Sitting proud of the soil they can rot in severe winters.

Nerine ‘Quest’
Ramon Woolfe
Dear Hort – How is the Nerine Quest faring as I really love them but could not find anywhere to purchase them?
Where do you advise me to go and seek for some please?
Thank you.
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