As day length increases the impetus to spend time in the garden is part of life’s natural rhythm. Get out there and be part of it. Where to start with the fresh growing season? By now you should have roughly dug over any borders you are developing and certainly the vegetable plot should be a choppy sea of rough soil. Do not devalue a sorry looking row of spinach. There is strength in the plants and with a raise in temperature this will show through as tender young leaves full of nutrients, a welcome addition to the plate. At this time of year the worst crime is to work the soil when it is wet. Good structure is to be maintained at all costs. Add organic matter to feed the soil. Where you are expecting to make an early sowing a covering of black polythene or fleece will help to raise soil temperature. Traditionally, rows of glass cloches were used in walled gardens. Although labour intensive to set out and access they produced high value produce early in the year. As soon as the frost has lifted from the ground go into preparation mode; this is spring, a time to sow.

Soil winter cultivated

Spinach following winter