Considering the cold weather that has characterised early April the new foliage on Primula sieboldii ‘Fantasy’ has emerged with its usual fresh appearance. The foliage has a deeply cut edge and look as fresh as newly germinating salad leaves. Planted as a group the rosettes bulk up to provide ground cover, the flowers are an additional bonus. A native of Japan and NE Asia it enjoys woodland conditions of dappled shade with moist, fertile yet free draining soil.

Primula sieboldii ‘Fantasy’
Primula veris ssp. macrocalyx is a strong growing sub species of our native Cowslip. Found through central Europe into central Asia it enjoys a wet, soggy root run. Multiple lightly scented yellow flowers droop down to compose the head. The elongated corolla tube pushes the petals beyond the end of the large papery white calyx. Hence the sub species entitlement. These plants are ideal for naturalising in grassland. Where this is the case avoid the first mowing until seed has set and dropped into the sward. Gradually a colony of plants will appear. The rosette of leaves withstanding all but the closest of mowing.

Primula veris ssp. macrocalyx