As described last week we have planted up the polytunnel with hardy winter greens.  The crop includes some winter herbs; parsley, chervil and coriander can all see the winter through with a little protection in a greenhouse or under a cloch. The cold weather will prevent coriander from going to seed quite as quickly as it sometimes does in summer, so you can end up with a more bountiful crop.

The herbs will produce leaves throughout the season and are a welcome, fresh addition to winter cooking. Chervil is particularly lovely and has a tasty aniseed flavour. With its delicate and lacy leaves it is hard to imagine that it can withstand temperatures as low as -10oc.

These herbs need to be sown in the summer months so that they germinate well and are big enough to withstand the cold winter weather. So put a reminder in your diary now for sowing seeds next July to ensure a herby crop for winter 2013 – 2014!