Acer pectinatum ssp. laxiflora. This Acer flowered well and now we are reaping the benefit of the winged seed. The reddish pink wings envelope the seed, multiples are carried as a raceme from leaf axils. The colour darkening as the nights get longer and the temperature drops. Catch them on a day when the sun is shining behind them and the true beauty is appreciated.

Originating in Sichuan, China, this deciduous tree was observed growing on open south facing mountainside covered with regenerating trees and shrubs.

Acer pectinatum ssp. laxiflorum. Photo by Tony Garn

Acer pectinatum ssp. laxiflorum

Acer pectinatum ssp. laxiflorum. Photo by Tony Garn

Acer pectinatum ssp. laxiflorum