

The magnolias continue to impress. The following three white-flowered species are on the east side of the Copse:

  • M. stellata from Japan, Honshu
  • M. denudata from Eastern China
  • M. kobus from Japan and Korea.

Bulb time in the Alpine House.

  • Fritillaria, Narcissus, Scilla, Erythronium, Juno Iris are providing a spectacular display. Complemented by the cushion plants on the north side of the house. Draba, Dionysia and Androsace species
  • Synthyris missurica ssp. stellata is the mauve patch on the alpine wall
  • Narcissus cultivars in flower on the lawn to the south of the Copse
  • Rhododendron oreodoxa var. fargesii – native to China. Several large plants in flower through the copse, blush pink in bloom.

Queen Mother’s Memorial Garden plants of interest:

  • Berberis lologensis ‘Apricot Queen’ and Pulmonaria ‘Blue Ensign’