Tag: Cornus
Last week saw driving snow storms, freezing temperatures overnight and bright sun leading to a rapid thaw early on in the day. Some plants thrived; it was the…
Cornus capitata has a wide range through SW China and the Himalayas. This evergreen, or in very cold winters semi evergreen, is found at lower elevations (around 2300m)…
The foliage in a strip of Cornus alba ‘Sibirica’ planted through the biodiversity garden has turned flame red with autumn colour. These plants were stooled down in April,…
The recent snow has given the edge to plants grown for their winter stem colour. The light green stems of Cornus stolonifera ‘Flaviramea’ show up as the sun,…
M. campbellii: large pink flowers at the top of the tree, H10 M. ‘Charles Raffill’: an improved hybrid between M. campbellii and M. campbellii ssp mollicomata, F30 M….