Tag: Plant healthPage 3 of 3

Really Wild Veg – June 11 Update

This summer the Edible Gardening Project at the Botanics is working with four community gardens across Scotland to grow three wild plants that have given rise to familiar…

The Ash Grove

As part of the Moving Forward from Ash Dieback project we decided to search for a poem that would help people consider the value ash has in our environment…

Moving forward from ash dieback

Disease is a normal part of nature. But in recent years there has been a considerable increase in the number of new pests and diseases affecting Scottish trees….

Really Wild Vegetables

This summer we’ll be investigating the wild relatives of some of our most familiar vegetables with our ‘Really Wild Vegetable’ trial (as part of the Talking Science Project). All crops have…

Learning from ash dieback

Resilience noun [mass noun] 1 the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity 2 the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness [Oxford…

Growing Broad Beans

Broad beans are easy to grow and provide an early summer harvest in the edible garden. We are growing a crimson flowered variety that looks great in an…

Police truncheons; an impending shortage

The media is full of information on Chalara dieback of Ash; Chalara fraxinea. Below are web links that give information on the fungal disease that will cause loss…

Lawn invaders

At this time of year you may observe two interesting fungal colonisers through lawns. These gain a foothold during dank and humid conditions where they often colonise poorly…

Potato blight

Blight has struck our potatoes! This is a very common disease that has affected many crops this year because of the warm damp conditions. Healthy looking potato plants…

Going green in the edible garden

Our workshop at the weekend was all about edible gardening in the greenest way possible. Biodiversity We think that if well managed, wildlife and edible gardening can coexist….

Paeonia with a problem

Paeonia mascula; with a wide geographical range; Mediterranean to S.E. Asia, this herbaceous species produces carmine red flowers that are stuffed full of yellow anthers. A worthwhile member…