Tag: Plant of the monthPage 11 of 12

Dancing white flowers

                  The delicate long light linear white petals making up the flowers of Gillenia trifoliata contrast with the red calyx….

Kalmia latifolia

The weather during the past ten months has ensured a flowering season like no other. A long autumn to ripen wood followed by a benign winter and warmth…

White pillars in midsummer week

Mass planting of the white form of Digitalis purpurea are attracting much attention in the woodland garden. These selected seedlings are sown and grown for one year, transplanted…

Pearls of wisdom

This season the Enkianthus campanulatus have flowered prolifically. This, a result of a long warm spring preceded by a hot dry summer ripening the wood. The show does…

Subtle greens for summer

Take a moment to visually absorb the shades of green on the immature flower buds of Maianthemum racemosum. Growing on the edge of the woodland garden it is…

Choice ground cover

        If there was ever a plant that deserved to be in this category it is Polygonatum humile. A delightful herbaceous member of the Ruscaceae…

Stairway to heaven

The crown of the tree fern, Dicksonia antartica, has rushed into life. Catching the warmth from the sun and surrounded by four walls in an enclosed courtyard it…

Rhododendron time

A walk through the Garden will prove rewarding with so many Rhododendrons in flower. In the copse R. orbiculare ssp. orbiculare and R. vernicosum are full of colour….

Fibre but not optic

A clump of contrasting foliage within a mixed border is always welcome. A border full of Lysimachia ciliata is a different matter. This North American native has an…

Hedge your bets 3 of 5: Tsuga heterophylla

Tsuga heterophylla, the Western Hemlock, neat and dense, withstands close clipping and retains its shape. A tree of forest proportions in its native Western North America. A Pacific…

Scoliopus bigelovii

Scoliopus bigelovii is referred to as having quaint flowers by the Alpine Garden Society in their Encyclopaedia of Alpines. The RHS dictionary of Gardening is more specific, mentioning…

Perfect for the woodland floor: Chrysosplenium macrophyllum

A mass planting of Chrysosplenium macrophyllum in the woodland garden is looking its best with a profusion of flowers. Botanically, a terminal cymose inflorescence, a selection of Chrysoplenium…

Yet more Mediterranean scents; Iris unguicularis ssp. cretensis

Continuing from last weeks post with the theme of flowers requiring warmth to release their scent is Iris unguicularis ssp. cretensis. A delightful compact species with, at bud…

Mediterranean scent, Clematis cirrhosa

Clematis cirrhosa is the strong growing evergreen climber that hangs around and above the wooden door leading through from the alpine area into the growing on area beyond….

Eranthis cilicica

Not needing the protection of the Alpine House but cultivated to perfection therein is a pot of Eranthis cilicia. This species has much smaller, narrower and linear foliage…

July 2013: Victoria amazonica

Giant Water Lily Victoria amazonica Family: Nymphaeaceae Description: The upper surface has a rather quilted appearance. The purplish-red under surface has a network of ribs, clad in abundant…

March 2013: Bambusa vulgaris

Bamboo Bambusa vulgaris Family: Poaceae Bamboos are essentially a group of toughened grasses. Botanically known as Bambusa vulgaris, it is described as an open, clump type bamboo species…

February 2013: The Humble Snowdrop Delights All

There can’t be a better sight to the gardener than the emergence of this simple white flower after its seasonal sleep; those crystal white petals heralding that spring…

January 2013: Acacia dealbata

Acacia dealbata is an evergreen tree native to the forests of New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmanina, found on slopes and creek banks. It was introduced from Tasmania…

December 2012: Mimosa pudica or Sensitive Plant

This is an evergreen shrub that reaches five feet in height and produces globe-shaped flowers in summer. The plant’s most fascinating feature is the fern-like leaves that close…