Tag: Weekly HighlightsPage 10 of 32

Seasonal plant of interest : Photinia serratifolia

Out with the mower on the 22nd; last Wednesday, topping off the Palm House lawns which with the mildness of the winter had that straggly appearance of uneven…

Seasonal Plant of Interest : Kalopanax septemlobus

Beneath the extensive branch framework of Kalopanax septemlobus lays a carpet of fallen fruit. Further from the canopy edge are seedlings that have germinated from viable seed that…

Unseasonal fruit and flowers

Backed by a west facing wall, Tomato plants set in grow bags in the lean to glasshouse of the Fletcher Building are continuing to yield edible fruit. For…

All a quiver: Dipelta yunnanensis

A touch of breeze and the brown wafer thin seed pods of this Dipelta yunnanensis are set quivering on the leafless shoots. The twin wing like bracts give…

Leaves holding for effect: Xanthorhiza simplicissima

Xanthorhiza simplicissima; a deciduous shrub with pinnate foliage that slowly colours into early winter. Surprisingly, a member of the Buttercup family, Ranunculaceae. Native to Eastern North America where…

Takeover Day Scotland

Takeover Day Scotland is a celebration of children and young people’s contribution to museums, galleries and historic homes. It is a day on which they are given meaningful…

Tepee town

Coincidentally set out to resemble a group of tepees, the giant leaves of Gunnera manicata have been cut down. Left to stand, the winter winds would gust through…

Cleaning seed

Most people gather seasonal fruits for preserves. At the Garden we collect a selection of material for seed sowing demonstrations as class practical’s for the various horticultural courses…

Bright white to lift a grey November day

A sub shrub, one that continues to increase in woody growth until a severe winter cuts it to the ground like an herbaceous plant. The growth habit of…

Translucent promise

Not all deciduous leaf, autumn colours are fiery shades. The foliage on the Euonymus sieboldianus growing in the glasshouse border is virtually translucent. Just as rewarding in the…

Choose wisely this planting season

With leaves dropping, now is the time to consider planting deciduous material. When choosing a site it is recommended to research the growing conditions in the native habitat…

Full of fruit

Young plants of Euonymus oxyphyllus have enjoyed this summer’s climate. The fruit produced are held pendulously on this season’s growth. The fleshy capsule, segmented into five parts is…

Autumn bounty

Actaea pachypoda – Fleshy and fruity Macleaya cordata – Dry and noisy Two herbaceous plants from opposing continents both doing what they should; setting a store of seed…

Room to roam

Swelling nicely for the Halloween harvest is a patch of Pumpkins. These trailing members of the Cucurbitaceae family have appreciated the warmth of this summer. Cucurbita maxima ‘Yellow…

Chalice flower

Blooms resembling a chalice are opening on the vigorous growth of Solandra grandiflora covering the railing of the elevated walkway in the temperate house. Planted in the border…

The Fig harvest

Relegated to the back of our memories during the past dismal summers and severe winters, a Fig tree has cropped well this year. A handsome specimen, Ficus carica,…

A late Lilium

Lilium leichtlinii var. maximowiczii; tall growing and bright of flower. A welcome splash of colour in the woodland area at the start of autumn. At a height touching…

Malus yunnanensis

A good year for apples, cultivated and botanical. Malus yunnanensis is no exception. A native to south western Provinces of China. The seed was collected in Yunnan Province…

Colour combo in the potager

Plants raised from seed in March, grown on under cover until the cold spring ended and planted out during May to form this year’s successful potager. In the…

Sunshine on a stalk

This is the time to appreciate the phenomenal growth of Sunflowers, Helianthus annuus and the large yellow head of flowers. Some, to celebrate their size, go by the…