Clintonia andrewsiana
Clintonia andrewsiana is sending out a mass of berries on a long stalk. The colour sets them out amongst other ground flora, a shiny lustre setting off the metallic blue. These plants are native to California and struggle to retain good foliage through the summer with us. A member of the Liliaceae family producing a whorl of basal leaves from which the flower spike appears. Usually one umbel of flowers leading, in this season of above average temperatures, to a healthy crop of berries.
It prefers semi shade and high humidity so ideally cultivate in a woodland garden where an annual, early spring top dressing of compost or other organic matter aids healthy growth.
Peter Kohn
This thrived for us at Kerrachar (grown originally from seed) but struggling to find a new source of seed. Did you collect it or were the berries too handsome to disturb.