Many typical winter tasks can be done in February, such as: preparing the ground for spring seed sowing, planting new fruit trees and bushes and pruning apples, pears...
March heralds the start of the spring however in Scotland the weather can still be very cold and frosty. Gardening books and seed packets give a range of...
April is a busy time for the volunteers and community groups that work on the Edible Gardening Project at the Botanics. As the weather improves and the soil...
May is a fantastic month in the Edible Garden. It is very exciting to see fresh green growth, fruit blossom and lots of seedlings emerging from the soil. However...
June is an exciting time in the Edible Garden. Some of the seeds sown earlier this year are finally starting to bear fruit. Peas and broad beans are...
September is a time of change in the fruit and vegetable garden in Scotland. We can have some warm days but cool overnight temperatures and a decrease in...
Many people assume that work in the fruit and vegetable garden tails off as the sets winter in, however there still plenty of worthwhile jobs to do: Sow...
Here is a list of jobs to do in your fruit and vegetable garden in December: Harvest kale, leeks, Brussels sprouts and winter salads while they are in...
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