Flower colour this late in the season is always welcome as an alternative and to complement the prominence of the deciduous leaf canopy. The dwarf Michaelmas Daisy cultivar Aster novi-belgii ‘Professor Anton Kippenberg’ now forming a well-established drift along a border edge is awash with flowers composed of blue ray florets. A complete carpet of colour crowning stems covered in small lanceolate leaves. At two metres high the clump of Leucanthemella serotina holds its stature through the autumn wind and rain. Taking its generic epithet from the Greek; leucos, white and anthemon, flower. So look out for the sturdy mass of white flowers growing in the Biodiversity garden. Both of these plants belong to the Compositae family bearing flowers with a central mass of disc florets and colourful ray florets ringing the perimeter of the disc. Both plants preferring an open sunny situation leading to a profusion of flowers.
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