Miscanthus nepalensis has grown well from seed collected in 2016 from plants growing in Nepalese coniferous forest. A group on the corner of the Front Range glasshouse has thickened well and shows better growth than those in a more exposed situation in the Nepalese area at RBGE. The clump forming shoots thicken out to form an impenetrable rootstock to 1.5m high. The linear foliage has a pronounced raised midrib on the reverse of the leaf. The foliage is further enhanced by a central white line marking many of the leaves. It is the pendulous clusters of flowers that make this a plant of interest for the autumn. When caught in the sun the golden brown tassels light up emphasising the many shades of brown and silver these flowers possess. Growing in a wide area encompassing Western China, Bhutan, India, Myanmar and Nepal. It can be found at the range 1900 – 2800metres on mountain slopes amongst Pieris and Rhododendron