Author: Robyn DrinkwaterPage 7 of 33

Pucks Hut

Pucks hut was designed by the Scottish architect Robert Lorimer as a memorial to Isaac Bayley Balfour – the man who first thought of creating a West coast botanic garden.

Garden Features – Benmore Botanic Garden

In a magnificent mountainside setting on the Cowal Peninsula in Argyll lies Benmore, an enchanting Garden steeped in history and surrounded by dramatic scenery.

Terrace garden and walled garden vista

The terrace offers views over the exotic walled garden. This area is planted with tree echiums, invoking the spirit of the canary islands where they are native.

Gunnera Bog

This area is dominated by the magnificent Gunnera manicata, which has formed a vast, almost impenetrable colony.

Garden Features – Logan Botanic Garden

At the south-western tip of Scotland lies Logan, the country’s most exotic garden. Warmed by the Gulf Stream, southern hemisphere plants flourish in this plantsman’s paradise near Port Logan in Dumfries & Galloway.

Original Dawyck Beech

Fagus sylvatica ‘Dawyck’ was a chance discovery by Sir John Naesmyth, one of the past owners of the estate.

Cryptogamic Sanctuary

Throughout the autumn the floor of the Heron Wood is full of bizarre and beautiful fungal fruiting bodies, making this a magical and fascinating area of the garden to visit.

Garden Features – Dawyck Botanic Garden

Dawyck is truly one of the world’s finest arboreta. Seasonal displays of abundant exotic and native plants provide a breathtaking backdrop of colour throughout the year. The Garden also offers an award-winning visitor centre.


Here Peter Baxter introduces you to Alerce (Fitzroya cupressoides).

Swamp Cypress

Here Alan Bennell introduces you to the Swamp Cypress (Taxodium distichum).

Silver Fir

Here Alan Bennell introduces you the Silver Fir (Abies alba).

Bishop Pine

Here Alan Bennell introduces you the Bishop Pine (Pinus muricata).

Coastal Redwood

Here Alan Bennell introduces you to the Coastal Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), the tallest trees on the planet.

Japanese Cedar

Here Alan Bennell introduces you to the Japanese Cedar (Cryptomeria japonica).

Glen Massan

Here Alan Bennell introduces you to Glen Massan, between the foot of the Bhutanese Glade and Chilean Rainforest Glade you will find some of the largest trees in the garden.

Scots Pine

Here Alan Bennell introduces you to the Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris), Scotland’s native conifer.

Hiba Cedar

Here Alan Bennell introduces you to a conservation planting of the Hiba Cedar (Thujopsis dolabrata).

Oriental Spruce

Here Alan Bennell introduces you to the Oriental Spruce (Picea orientalis).

Monkey Puzzle

Here Alan Bennell introduces you to the Monkey puzzle (Araucaria araucana).


Here Peter Baxter introduces you to the genus Podocarpus (Podocarpaceae), an unusual group of conifers.