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Latest blog stories connected with learning at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

Really Wild Veg – June 11 Update

This summer the Edible Gardening Project at the Botanics is working with four community gardens across Scotland to grow three wild plants that have given rise to familiar…

Successful Watering

Good weather this week has meant that everything in the Edible Garden is growing well. We have harvested our first peas of the year from the polytunnel. Fine…


Last night 50 people enjoyed an exquisite evening of perfumes, poems and plants (and a glass of wine) in the Temperate Palmhouse in the company of fragrance expert…

The People Behind the Plants

Some might argue that the greatest asset of the four gardens of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh are our plants, but as the over-used saying goes: ‘An organisation…

Watch Out! Gooseberry Sawfly is About!

At this time of year gooseberry sawfly larvae can rapidly strip the leaves off your gooseberry bush. The best form of defence is vigilance. Regularly inspect your plants…

Animation: bringing subjects and stories to life

Animation. Etymology: From the Latin animātiō, “the act of bringing to life” Animation offers us vivid opportunities to see situations and information in new and exciting ways. It can be…

Don’t Miss the Apple Blossom

The apple, pear and cherry trees in the new fruit garden are in full bloom at the moment and look delightful. This year we have started to record…

Wildlife-friendly Edible Gardening

This week is Scotland’s Nature Festival, a celebration of Scotland’s wildlife and landscapes. Growing fruit and vegetables can sometimes feel like a battle against nature. There are hundreds…

‘Nest’ awarded runner up in Callum Macdonald Memorial Award 2013

I was delighted to hear that the runner up in the Callum Macdonald Memorial Award for pamphlet poetry was recently announced as Roncadora Press for Nest. Nest was produced as…

The Ash Grove

As part of the Moving Forward from Ash Dieback project we decided to search for a poem that would help people consider the value ash has in our environment…

Moving forward from ash dieback

Disease is a normal part of nature. But in recent years there has been a considerable increase in the number of new pests and diseases affecting Scottish trees….

Leafing Through Natural Scotland

Over the last few months I have been working with Publishing Scotland to develop an exhibition and book festival at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) to celebrate books and…

Really Wild Vegetables

This summer we’ll be investigating the wild relatives of some of our most familiar vegetables with our ‘Really Wild Vegetable’ trial (as part of the Talking Science Project). All crops have…

What happens to all the veg from the Edible Garden?

The Edible Garden at the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh is carefully tended by a team of dedicated volunteers. In reward for their endeavours the volunteers are able to…

School Gardening Project finally makes it outside!

Pupils finally had a chance to work on their plots this week due to better weather. We prepared our plots by first weeding them using hand tools and…

Want to grow fruit and veg but don’t have a garden?

Growing fruit and vegetables is an immensely rewarding and popular activity. The average waiting time for an allotment in Edinburgh is 4 ½ years with some people waiting…

Growing Endives and Chicory

Endives and chicory are attractive salad plants that are now found in many pre-prepared supermarket salad bags. They are relatively hardy and easy to grow. Some varieties provide…

Braving the cold weather

The Siberian winds this March have put a stop to any outdoor seed sowing in the Edible Garden. However, it is still possible to sow hardy crops indoors…

New grants now open from Tree Council

Schools or community groups please see new grant details: The Tree Council’s Tree Futures offers help for tree planting through two grants programmes, the ‘Trees for Schools‘…

Growing Peas in a Gutter

Nothing tastes better than home grown peas picked straight off the plant and nibbled whilst walking through the garden on a warm summer’s morning. Peas can be sown…