Category: Plants and People House
Whilst the tropical plants in this house may be unfamiliar, the products produced from them are part of your daily life.
It all started with one houseplant. That one plant, a Crassula ovata (money plant), led me to having one of the healthiest obsessions human beings can possibly have;…
A lot can happen in a year, especially where the Biomes Project is concerned. Looking back at 2022, it is impossible to include everything that has been achieved, but here is a selection of highlights of the work undertaken by the Horticulture team and colleagues.
RBGE Accession number:19973654 Musa laterita Cheesem Collected by: Smith, Paul S. 19973654A G25 Plants & People Living plants of this accession Musa laterita is an Asian tropical ornamental species…
Threatened plants of the world Red List status: CRITICALLY ENDANGERED Ah, the Hawaiian Islands. Volcanic islands with steeple-like mountains clothed in rich green vegetation ringed with beautiful beaches,…
22. Nelumbo nucifera Gaertner NELUMBONACEAE Sacred lotus, Egyptian Bean; Hindi: kamal, कमल This aquatic plant is important in Buddhist, Jain and Hindu iconography. The beautiful flower (which can be…
23. Oryza sativa L. GRAMINEAE Rice; Hindi: dhan, धान, chaval, चावल; Bengali: chal The grain of this cereal grass is the major carbohydrate source throughout tropical Asia. Cultivated for…
24. Saccharum officinarum L. GRAMINEAE Sugar cane; Hindi: ganna, गन्ना Sugar cane is a giant grass, widely cultivated for the juice expressed from its crushed stems, from which sugar…
Tony Bonning tells a story about a woman who wants to touch the moon.
Coffee Coffea Arabica Family: Rubiaceae Description First introduced to Europe in 1583, the Arabica coffee tree, which grows to nearly 30 feet high, produces a crop of…