Category: Other NewsPage 19 of 51

Stories not categories under anything else

Bryological holiday jobs

The Science building at the Botanics closes down between Christmas and New Year, so any last bits of work for the year have to be packed up and…

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Botanics Stories

We’d like to say a big thank you to the thirty two thousand people who visited Botanics Stories in 2017 and invite you all back next year to…

Wildlife from a wild place: the flora and fauna of Glencoe National Nature Reserve

This Thursday sees the Botanical Society of Scotland Christmas lecture – Wildlife from a wild place: the flora and fauna of Glencoe National Nature Reserve with Dan Watson from National…

A diversity of forms….. but how do you tell them apart?

To understand giant panda diet you need to understand bamboos and there are many types of bamboos in their habitat. Giant pandas seems to know which is best…

Edinburgh tree data meeting @RBGE – Now 2 Feb (cancelling the 26th Jan) still 13:00 to 15:00

Dear Edinburgh tree data person, I have sent you to this blog page because you have been involved in some correspondence on Twitter about You may remember…

November 2017 Garden Wildlife Report

                      November 2017 was a real ‘autumn’ month, with lovely golden colours and plenty of frosty mornings as…

Searching for bamboo and giant panda…..poo…..

On a mountain in China a giant panda spends hours sitting eating bamboo but there is no time for a scientist to sit when you are trying to…


It is always a treat to see bright autumn colour, yet occasionally the reverse happens. The colour has drained from the foliage of Viburnum orientale to such an…

‘Tis the season… For admiring lichens!

Last February, RBGE launched the Wee World of Lichens, a self-guided safari-style exploration of the frequently overlooked but fascinating world of the small. Now that the leaves are…

Coffee and skulldugery in Ceylon, 1796

At the weekend I went to look at the new exhibition on coffee at the John Hope Gateway. The exhibition is borrowed from the Berlin Botanic Garden, but…

In memory of Private John Mathieson Brown (1887-1917)

The story of Private John Mathieson Brown, who was killed on the 24th November 1917, takes us away from the Western Front in Belgium and France, and focusses…

Podcast: Dodgy Joints at Fifty?

You may have noticed that the Front Range of the glasshouses has been closed to the public at odd times over the last few weeks. While the spectacle…

Stable URIs for natural history collections – The Movie

If you are like me you are probably counting the days to Stars Wars 8: The Last Jedi. Films often seem to take a long time to arrive…

Grey and silver in low light

The bright sunny days we have had are ideal for highlighting the soft shades of grey and silver in the garden. The foliage of Geranium traversii var. elegans,…

Cryptomeria japonica grove

Where the Nothofagus obliqua has been lost Garden volunteers have replanted with a grove of 5 Cryptomeria japonica.

October 2017 Garden Wildlife Report

October 2017 was another mild month with some stormy weather that closed the Garden on a couple of occasions.  It was warmer than average, with below-average rainfall (53.2…

Plant Collecting and the Lived Experience of Botany: Bill Burtt’s Malaysian Collecting

Brian Lawrence ‘Bill’ Burtt (1913-2008) began his career as a taxonomist at Kew Gardens, before coming to the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) in 1951. Throughout the course…

May to October

The Pumpkin patch in the demonstration garden has come to fruition. The large flat seeds were sown into containers in May. Through the season the trailing growth produced…

Nepalese Ambassador visits the Botanics

His Excellency Dr Durga Bahadur Subedi, Nepalese Ambassador to the United Kingdom, led a delegation from the Embassy in London to Scotland this weekend, visiting Edinburgh, Aberdeen and…

Henry Noltie’s Botanical Novelties and other adventures

It is the end of an era at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and only right to celebrate Henry Noltie’s retiral (as we’re in Scotland) with some of…