Elephant’s foot yam Family: Dioscoreaceae Description Elephant’s foot yam is a spectacular shrubby climber, which grows up to 1.5m high. It has a huge tuber reaching a…
With one week to go before heading off to Indonesia, I have the necessary paper work and permissions and it just leaves some packing to be done before…
Formerly the head of our Cryptogam section, and currently an extremely active RBGE Research Associate, David Long is well known and respected for his botanical work in the…
Murphy’s threadwort (Telaranea murphyae) has had a singular position in the British flora. The species was described by renowned bryologist Jean Paton in 1965, from plants collected in…
One week into the North Sulawesi (Indonesia) expedition, the team has successfully completed collecting at the first locality, Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park. The park is accessed by…
One of the Styrax officinalis plants growing at the west gate has produced several fruits. These hang elegantly from the previous season’s growth. The fruits resemble a grey…
October 2016 continued being mild and quiet with mostly easterlies for the first three weeks. The last week saw a change to westerly winds and the arrival of…
Growing on the tufa scree with roots into a well-drained substrate is Chaenorhinum origanifolium. This perennial from Southern Europe is flowering well into autumn from a summer start….
Despite its internationally important bryophyte flora Scotland has relatively few truly endemic species (perhaps four), and even some of these have a rather ambiguous taxonomic status due to…
This year, RBGE embarked on a 2 year collaborative project with Indonesia’s Institute of Sciences (LIPI) to work towards ‘Flora Malesiana’ taxonomic accounts for Begoniaceae, Gesneriaceae, Sapotaceae and…
The RBGE Herbarium is frequently gifted plant specimens from individual collectors. In recent years we have received material from T. Powell (seaweeds) J.F. Dobremez (flora of Nepal) C….
September 2016 was mostly a rather balmy, warm dry month with very unseasonably high temperatures (up to 25°C) being recorded on some days. Four species were added to…
“Imagine the Venice Biennale co-curated by Henri Matisse and Robert Rauschenberg in a neo-Palladian villa and you have an idea of the improbable loveliness of I Still Believe…
Strings of Prayer Flags or Lung ta are a common sight on mountain passes across Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet. The coloured flags are printed with prayers that are…
RBGE staff recently returned from Kathmandu where they had met with colleagues from the Government of Nepal’s Department of Plant Resources in celebration of the historic 200-year relationship…
Tricyrtis macrantha has the largest flowers of the genus; pendulous yellow tepals are stunning when shown well against the foliage. It is the inner corolla that adds interest,…
This mottled pink foliage version of Berberis thunbergii is a cultivar known as ‘Pink Queen’. A vigorous thorn laden deciduous shrub that provides a mass of colour in…