32. Polygonatum oppositifolium (Wallich) Royle CONVALLARIACEAE This subtropical relative of the native European Solomon’s seal was discovered by Nathaniel Wallich on his expedition to Nepal in 1820 to 1821….
33. Rhododendron dalhousiae J.D. Hooker ERICACEAE Lady Dalhousie’s rhododendron Native of the Eastern Himalaya, this species, which has fragrant flowers, often grows as an epiphyte on mossy tree trunks….
34. Codariocalyx motorius (Houttyn) Ohahsi LEGUMINOSAE John Hope’s ‘moving plant of Bengal’ Around 1775 the Scottish surgeon James Kerr sent a drawing of this plant by a Bengali artist…
35. Hedychium gardnerianum Ker Gawler ZINGIBERACEAE Mr Gardner’s garland flower According to Nathaniel Wallich this plant was ‘the queen of the genus if not of the whole [ginger] order’….
36. Wallichia disticha T. Anderson PALMAE This is a very unusual palm in its leaf arrangement. The leaves are borne ‘distichously’, that is, in a single plane on opposite…
37. Himalayacalamus falconeri (Munro) P.C. Keng GRAMINEAE A clump-forming bamboo that occurs in cool, broad-leaved forests at altitudes of between 2000 and 2550 metres, from Uttarakhand (Kumaon) eastwards through…
38. Platanus orientalis L. PLATANACEAE Eastern plane, chinar This species has commonly been considered to be one of the parents of the more widely planted London plane (Platanus ×…
39. Cupressus torulosa D. Don CUPRESSACEAE Twisted cypress When Hugh Cleghorn was surveying the timber resources of the Western Himalaya in the early 1860s, he noted that this species…
40. Picea smithiana (Wallich) Boisser PINACEAE West Himalayan spruce; NW Himalaya: rai, tos; Kumaon: morinda A Western Himalayan tree, occurring from Afghanistan to Central Nepal. It was named by…
41. Cedrus deodara (G. Don) G. Don PINACEAE Deodar, Himalayan cedar; Hindi: devdar, देवदार With its gracefully pendent branches and pyramidal shape, this was perhaps the most familiar of…
42. Corylus jacquemontii Decaisne CORYLACEAE Jacquemont’s hazel This tree was named for the French botanist and writer Victor Jacquemont, who travelled in the Himalaya in 1830. The tree is…
43. Magnolia campbellii J.D. Hooker & Thomson, cultivar ‘Charles Rafill’ MAGNOLIACEAE In the wild Magnolia campbellii occurs from eastern Nepal to western Yunnan in China, including the Indian States…
44. Mahonia acanthifolia Wall ex. G. Don BERBERIDACAEAE This shrub, which has attractive, scented, yellow flowers, occurs from Uttarakhand in India to South-West China, at altitudes of 2000 to…
45. Clematis montana De Candolle RANUNCULACEAE A widespread and very variable Sino-Himalayan species, this is one of the best-known Himalayan plants in British gardens, occurring in a variety of…
46. Rhododendron hodgsonii J.D. Hooker ERICACEAE This large shrub or small tree of the eastern Himalaya (Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan) was named by Joseph Hooker after Brian Houghton Hodgson…
47. Rhododendron thomsonii J.D. Hooker ERICACEAE Dr. Thomson’s Rhododendron A native of the eastern Himalaya, this is one of the many species of rhododendron discovered by Joseph Hooker in…
48. Pinus bhutanica Grierson, Long & Page PINACEAE This species was distinguished from the blue pine (Pinus wallichiana, Number 13 of the Trail) only in 1980, as part of…
49. Dryopteris wallichiana (Sprengel) Hylander DRYOPTERIDACEAE A fern, very similar to the native British male fern (Dryopteris filix-mas), first described from Nepal, where this specimen was collected. It has…
50. Yushania anceps (Mitford) W.C. Lin GRAMINEAE A temperate bamboo from Jaunsar in the North-West Himalaya (Uttarakhand), where it occurs in cool temperate forest at altitudes of 2000 to…
51. Pinus wallichiana A.B. Jackson PINACEAE Blue pine; Hindi: kail, काएल The needles of this pine are grouped in bundles of five. The tree occurs in the Himalaya from…