When Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace presented their joint paper ‘on the Tendency of Species to form Varieties; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by…
This year’s Connect With Nature Festival at RBGE is all about how people’s lives have become better after they used art to help them connect with the natural…
Among the stellar line-up of nature writers speaking at the Connect With Nature festival at the RBGE this weekend we have Esther Woolfson in conversation with Chitra Ramaswamy…
Nature writing can begin with a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world. We have brought together a diverse group of writers for our first Botanics nature…
Why is so much good children’s theatre in Edinburgh on during August when our children are going back to school? This year the Botanics is bringing top quality…
Among the growing list of writers, poets, illustrators and song-writers who have signed-up for the RBGE’s first nature writing festival, Connect with Nature, over the weekend 19/20th May,…
Max Ernst’s painting, La Joie de Vivre, was the inspiration for a remarkable piece of body art, by Edinburgh College student Lori Walker, photographed recently in the temperate…
“Wow this is really super awesome!” Parents will recognise this as the greatest accolade that you can ever hope for from a seven year old and actually the…
Call me an incurable romantic if you must but I find it hard to accept that words of my childhood, and indeed my children’s childhood, words like conker,…
Now two full years have passed since our Nature Play: Nature Conservation project to explore the idea of informal, child-led play within an area of native vegetation in…
Listeners to Radio 4’s Food Programme will have head the fascinating account of the Hadza, East Africa’s last group of hunter gatherers with a diet of 95% wild…
Each year, for the past four years, leaders from industry, government, the third sector and research have gathered in Stockholm for the EAT Forum to look at global…
160 years after the disappearance of young Scottish plant-hunter John Jeffrey, a reimagining of his missing journals finally reveals the truth behind an extraordinary adventure. In 1850, with…
Simon Whatley collaborated with furniture maker Jonathan Pang to produce the Span Table one of the pieces currently on show in the exhibition After the Storm in the…
As the After the Storm exhibition continues to attract a large and appreciative audience in the John Hope Gateway, this week we are launching the much anticipated After…
Storm Connor blasted the North-East of Britain with 90 mph winds over the Christmas holidays, just days before the fifth anniversary of Cyclone Andrea. Over the same period…
Images from Nacadia, a therapy garden at Horsholm Arboretum, Denmark Gardening is good for you, and it is now official. The use gardening in the treatment of…