I don’t feel quite ready yet to think about autumn tasks in the garden but all the evidence suggests that summer is coming to an end. I had to clear fallen leaves from some of…
Jenny Mollison, from the Scottish Allotments and Gardens Society, gave us a handful of carlin peas earlier in the year. We dutifully planted them and I’m pleased to…
Blight has struck our potatoes! This is a very common disease that has affected many crops this year because of the warm damp conditions. Healthy looking potato plants…
We are busy harvesting early potatoes, broad beans and peas, salads, onions, garlic and beetroot. One of the great skills of vegetable growing is to keep your plot…
It has been an exciting week for the Edible Gardening Project with the publication of our book, Growing your own vegetables. We are very pleased with the finished…
It has been a week for wildlife in the vegetable plots. We like to encourage the birds and beasties as much as possible. Gardens are very important habitats…
We’ve cleared the polytunnel of the last of the winter crops. The spinach was running out of steam and several of the plants had started to flower (also…
Wednesday was a beautiful sunny morning, just perfect for an early morning breakfast at the Botanics. Our Edible Edinburgh event took place as part of the Festival of…
We attended Gardening Scotland at the weekend and along with volunteers from the Scottish Allotments and Gardens Society met Jim McColl. As you can see we were pretty…
The last frost date for the Edinburgh area is generally around May, just to be on the safe side though most local vegetable growers wait until June before…
If you look very closely at the picture you will see that there are two different vegetable seedlings germinating in the same row. We sowed our parsnips in…
Some weeks ago I mentioned that we received some funding through the Botanic Garden Conservation International (BGCI) and their Communities in Nature project. Communities in Nature is an…
The demonstration garden at the Botanics is a veritable frenzy of activity at this time of year. It is not just the Edible Gardening Project team at work…
We’ve been out of the garden and in the kitchen more than usual this week. The Science on a Plate events held during the Edinburgh International Science Festival…
We have been busy little bees in the garden this week and are sowing seed like mad. (Inbetween sunbathing and eating ice creams obviously, it’s all just so…
This week’s blog is by RBGE’s Ian Edwards; Back in prehistory, before the polytunnel, people would eagerly anticipate the first wild greens of Spring as a way of…