Author: Robyn DrinkwaterPage 5 of 33

Beeches – North and South

Here Alan Bennell discusses the differences between the Northern hemisphere (Fagus) and Southern hemisphere (Nothofagus) trees.


Here Alan Bennell and Peter Baxter discuss Stewartia.

How tall are these trees?

Here Alan Bennell talks about how you can measure the heights of some of the nearby trees.


Here Alan Bennell talks about the Deodar Cedar (Cedrus deodara) and the differences between true cedars (Cedrus) and Thuja.

Giant Brazilian Rhubarb

Here Alan Bennell talks about the Giant Brazilian Rhubarb Gunnera manicata.

The Eachaig Arboretum

Here Alan Bennell introduces you to the Eachaig Arboretum.

Birdlife at Benmore

Here Neil McCheyne ralks about some of the birdlife you may see and hear whilst exploring the gardens.

George Forrest and his Rhododendrons

Here Alan Bennell introduces George Forrest and his plant collections.

Native treasures at Benmore

Alan Bennell discusses the rich variety of native species, including birch, pine, mosses and wild flowers growing at Benmore that you can explore.

What the label tells you

Here Alan Bennell explains the information on the plant labels.

Benmore arboretum trail

Explore Benmore’s Arboretum and find out more about the trees and the native wildlife you might see and hear during your visit.

Tepee town

Coincidentally set out to resemble a group of tepees, the giant leaves of Gunnera manicata have been cut down. Left to stand, the winter winds would gust through…

CUBG Horticulture Training Course Kunming

From 14th – 22nd November 35 staff from 20 of China’s Botanical Gardens have been attending a horticulture training course at Kunming Botanic Garden. This course has been…

Cleaning seed

Most people gather seasonal fruits for preserves. At the Garden we collect a selection of material for seed sowing demonstrations as class practical’s for the various horticultural courses…

World Flora Online Conference

The first meeting of the Consortium for the World Flora Online was held at RBGE on the 14th and 15th November 2013. This is the latest in a…

Bright white to lift a grey November day

A sub shrub, one that continues to increase in woody growth until a severe winter cuts it to the ground like an herbaceous plant. The growth habit of…

John Hope Gateway

The John Hope Gateway opened in October 2009, it is RBGEs biodiversity and information centre, and the main entrance to the garden at Inverleith.

Rock Garden

The first rock garden at Inverleith was built in 1871 by James McNab. Whilst rockeries (landscaped features with rocks) were popular, the concept of a rock garden designed for true alpines was new.

Woodland Garden (and Peat Walls)

The woodland garden was developed during the 1930s and 1940s, with large conifers planted to create a climate for Rhododendrons and other woodland plants which benefit from a more shaded aspect.

Inverleith house lawn and city vista

The lawn in front of Inverleith House provides an opportunity for visitors to relax and take in a spectacular panorama of the city, stretching from Calton Hill (left), along the length of Princes Street to Edinburgh Castle rising up on the mound (Right).